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Kamla Nehru College for Women,Phagwara celebrated ‘National Press Day’

Kamla Nehru College for Women,Phagwara celebrated ‘National Press Day’

Political Science Department of Kamla Nehru College for Women celebrated ‘National Press Day’ on May 11,2022.The celebration was aimed to sensitise the students about  the importance of free press in the establishment of informed democratic world.Slogan Writing Competition was conducted on this occasion. Students through slogans expressed their views on the negative and positive aspects of press as they make available the details of what is going on in every system and keeping the general public updated.Dr. Savinder Pal, the college principal averred that press and media are the most important mediums of expressing opinion of the people in a democratic nation.She highlighted that the media has a great responsibility to see that the news they present is accurate that  enable them to form rational opinions.She also added truth to power is an important check to prevent the rise of tyranny, and that is what the free press can do.She lauded the department for having organised this event.